Gruneisen, Carl Von

Gruneisen, Carl Von a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born at Stuttgart, January 17, 1802. He studied at Tuingen and Halle, was in 1825 military preacher and court-chaplain, in 1835 court-preacher and member of consistory, and died at his native place February 28, 1878. Grtineisen took an active part in the development of the church of Wirtemberg, and for sixteen years presided at the annual meetings of the Eisenach Church conferences. He wrote Ueber bildliche Darstellung der Gottheit (Stuttgart, 1828): — Ueber das Sittliche der bildenden Kunst bei den Griechen (Leipsic, 1833): — Nicolaus Manuel, Leben und Werke (Stuttgart, 1837): — Ulms Kunstleben im Mittelalter (Ulm, 1840): — Predigten fur die Gebildeten in dei Gemeinde (Stuttgart, 1835): — Christliches Handbuch in Gebeten und Liedern (5th ed. 1859): — Ueber Gesangbuchsreform (1839). In connection with Schnaase and Schnorr bron Carolsfeld, he founded in 1858 the Christliches Kunstblatt. See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1:474; Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religienses, s.v. (B.P.).

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