Haynes, Ja, Dd

Haynes, J.A., D.D.

a Baptist minister, was born in King and Queen County, Virginia, December 13, 1822. He graduated from Columbian University, Washington, D.C., in 1843, was principal of Bruingtoun Academy for a year, and then entered upon a course of medical study, receiving his degree from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1846. Relinquishing his practice, he entered the Christian ministry, being licensed in 1853, and ordained in 1857. For a time he labored under the auspices of the State Mission Board, and then accepted an appointment as principal of the Clarke Female Seminary, at Berryville, Virginia. Subsequently he was pastor of two or three churches in Virginia, a part of the time being engaged in teaching. He died in January 1880. See Cathcart, Baptist Encyclop. s.v. (J.C.S.)

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