Hebenstreit, Johann Friedrich

Hebenstreit, Johann Friedrich a German theologian, son of Johann Paul, was doctor of theology at Leipsic in 1726, and died superintendent at Buttstadt, Thuringia, between 1760 and 1770. He wrote, De Magorum Messiam Exosculantium Nomnine, Pattia et Statu (Jena, 1709): — De Juda Ischarioth (Wittenberg, 1712): — Schediasma Historico-Philologicum de Variis Christianorum Nominibus (1713 ): — De καλῷ στρατιωτῷ seu Episcopo Milite (Leipsic, 1726): — De Hostibus καλοῦ στρατιωτοῦ (eod.): — De Haeresi Carpocratianorum (1712). See Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten- Lexikon. s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:567, 640. (B.P.)

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