
He'leph (Heb. Che'leph, חֶלֶŠ, an exchange, as in Nu 18:21,31; Sept. joins' with prefixed preposition Μεέλεφ; Vulg. Heleph), a city mentioned apparently as the starting-point of the northern border of Naphtali, beginning at the west (Jos 19:33). Van de Velde thinks it may be the same with Beit-lf, a village with ancient remains (comp. Robinson, Later Researches, p. 61, 62), nearly due east of the Ras Abyad, and west of Kades, on the S. edge of a very marked ravine (wady el-Ayun), which probably formed part of the boundary between Naphtali and Asher (Van de Velde, Syria, 1 233); nor is the objection of Keil (Comment. ad loc.), that the position is represented as being at the intersection of the northern border of Palestine with the eastern line of Asher, altogether correct, since several of the associated names are likewise somewhat interior.

Bible concordance for HELEPH.

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