
Ho'rite (Heb. Chori', חוֹרַי or חַרַי, prop. the same word as Hori; but, according to First, noble; often with the art. הִחֹרַי), a designation (both singly and collectively) of the people who anciently inhabited Mount Seir, before their supersedure by the Edomites; rendered "Horites" in Ge 14:6 (Sept. Χοῤῥῖοι, Vulg. Corrhaei),; 36:21 (Χορρῖος, Horrcaus), 29 (Χοῤῥί, fHorrcei); "Horite," Ge 36:20 (Χοῤῥαῖος, Horrneus), "Horims," De 2:12 (Χοῤῥαῖος, Horrhaeus), 22 (Χοῤῥαῖος, Horrheai), and "Hori," Ge 36:30 (Χοῤῥί, Horrcei). SEE IDUMAEA. There are indications of Canaanitish affinity between the Horites and the Hittites or Hivites (Michaelis, Spicileg. 1, 169, and De Troglodytis Seir, in his Syntagma Comment. 1759, p. 194; Faber, Archaeol. p. 41; Hamelsveld, 3, 29; but see contra Bertheau, Gesch. der Isr. p. 150). SEE HITTITE. "Their excavated dwellings are still found by hundreds in the sandstone cliffs and mountains of Edom, and especially in Petra. SEE EDOM and SEE EDOMITE. It may, perhaps, be to the Horites Job refers in Job 30:6-7. They are only three times mentioned in Scripture: first, when they were smitten by the kings of the East (Ge 14:6); then when their genealogy is given in Ge 36:20-30, and 1Ch 1:38-42; and, lastly, when they were exterminated by the Edomites (De 2:12,22). It appears probable that they were not Canaanites, but an earlier race, who inhabited Mount Seir before the posterity of Canaan took possession of Palestine (Ewald, Geschichte, 1, 304, 5)" (Smith). Knobel (Volkertafel d. Géneralé, p. 195, 206) holds that they formed part of the great race of the Ludim, to which also the Rephaim, the Emim, and the Amorites belonged (comp. Hitzig, Gesch. d. V. Israel, Lpz. 1869, 1, 29-36). In this case the Amorites were of Shemitic descent. According to the account in Ge 36:20 sq., they were divided into seven tribes. SEE CANAAN.

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