
Horona'im (Heb. Chorona'yim, חֹרֹנִיַם, two caverns; Sept. Α᾿ρωνιείμ and ᾿Ωρωναϊvμ), a Moabitish city near Zoar, Luhith, Nimrim, etc., on a declivity along the route of the invading Assyrians (Isa 15:5; Jer 48:3,5,34); probably the same called HOLON (חֹלוֹן, perhaps by an error for חֹרוֹן, Horon, which would appear to be the original form of the word Horonaim; from חֹר, a hole) in Jer 48:22 (Sept. Χελών,Vulg. Helon). The associated names only afford a conjectural locality east of the north end of the Dead Sea, probably on some one of the great roads (דֶּרֶך) leading down from the plateau of Moab to the Jordan valley. It is doubtless the Oronse (᾿Ωρῶναι) of Josephus (Ant. 13, 15, 4; 14, 1, 4). Sanballat "the Horonite" (חֹרֹנַי, Ne 2:10,19; Ne 13:28) was probably a native of this place, and not (as stated by Schwarz, Palestine, p. 147) of Beth- horon, which was entirely different.

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