
Jaga in Hindusm, is one of the costliest and most, honored sacrifices, which the Brahmins offer to the sun and the planets, and at which strictly no one from any other caste is allowed to be present. In the spring of the year a certain spot is selected and cleansed. A hut is built, in which several hundred Brahmins can be accommodated with seats; in the centre of this the holy pillar is erected, Mahadewa's symbol. Around this a fire is kindled by rubbing together two pieces of wood; and now all that can find room crowd into the hut. The remaining Brahmins surround the holy place, so hat no profane eye desecrate the sanctuary. Then a widow is strangled (blood is not allowed to be shed); the liver is roasted with butter, divided in as many parts as there are Brahmins, and given to them on a slice of bread, which they are obliged to eat. Whoever does this is said to be specially purified and made sinless; and the Brahmin who kindled the fire and performed the sacrificial ceremony may take a part of the fire to his home, where he is to keep it constantly burning, and at his death he is permitted to have his funeral pile kindled with it, by virtue of which he enters paradise immediately, without any transmigration of his soul. Of course, under the English rule these barbarities are no longer permitted.

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