Jais, Aegidius

Jais, Aegidius a Benedictine, was born at Mittenwald, Bavaria, March 17, 1750. In 1770 he joined his order, was in 1778 professor at the Salzburg Gymnasium, and in 1803 professor of theology there. In 1814 he retired from public duties, and died December 4, 1822. He published, Predigten (Munich, 1803, 2 volumes): — Katechismus (Wurzburg, 1811): — Handbuch zum Unterrichte in der christ kathol. Glaubens-und Sittenlehre (1821), and other ascetical works. See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 2:112, 241, 267, 346, 378. (B.P.)

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