Junius, Robert

Junius, Robert a Dutch missionary, a native of Delft, who flourished in the 17th century, was sent by the Dutch government to the western part of the island of Formosa in 1634, and was eminently successful in his missionary labors. He is said to have baptized no less than six thousand persons. He also provided good educational advantages for the natives, and over six hundred young men crowded the schools he had founded. Of his personal history in other respects we are ignorant. His literary labors were confined to efforts in behalf of the people to whom he was sent. He composed some prayers, and translated certain Psalms into the Formosan language. He returned to Holland in after days, but the date of his death is not known to us. See Mosheim, Ecclesiastes Hist. 3, bk. 4, cent. 17, sect. 1, note 24.

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