Kettell, George F, Dd

Kettell, George F., D.D.

a Methodist Episcopal divine, was born in Boston, May 18, 1817. He received an exhorter's license in 1840, in 1841 was licensed to preach, and soon took charge of the Church in Haddam, Connecticut. In 1847 he was received into the New York Conference, and became pastor successively at Haddam, Madison, and Windsor, Conn. In 1847 he was appointed pastor of Vesey Street Church, New York city. Afterwards he had charge of churches in Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, Philadelphia, and Brooklyn. He died in the last-named place, March 19, 1883. Dr. Kettell was a most efficient preacher and pastor. He brought the principles of divine revelation to bear upon questions of practical ethics with a subtle power that amounted to genius. Some of these sermons are said to have been attended with remarkable power. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1884, page 92.

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