
Kir'jath-Hu'zoth (Heb. Kiryath'-Chutsoth', חֻצוֹת קַריִת, city of streets; Sept. πόλεις ἐπαύλεων), a city of Moab to which Balak took Balaam on his arrival to offer a preparatory sacrifice (Nu 22:39). The Vulgate understands an extreme city of the territory of Moab, as that on the border of Arnon, where the king met his prophetic guest (verse 36); but the two appear to have been different. The city in question was probably the capital of the Moabitish king, usually called KIR-MOAB, and here distinguished from other places of a similar name (Kiujath meaning simply "city") by an epithet indicative of its extent; compare the presence of the court and " high places of Baal," as well as the conspicuous situation of the city (verse 41), corresponding to that of Kerak. Porter, however (Murray's Handbook for Pal. p. 299 sq.), inclines to identify the place with the Keireyat on Jebel Attarus, and so with KIRIATHAIM SEE KIRIATHAIM (q.v.).

Bible concordance for KIRJATH-HUZOTH.

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