Lakin, Benjamin

Lakin, Benjamin a Methodist minister, was born in Montgomery Co., Md., Aug. 23, 1767; was converted in 1791, and shortly after entered the ministry. His first station was Hinkston Circuit (Nov. 6, 1794); he joined Holston Conference in 1795, and was appointed to Green Circuit. " Diligently and successfully Mr. Lakin labored in the Lord's vineyard until 1818, when his health and strength so far failed him that he was obliged to retire from the active ranks of the ministry.... He was at first placed on the list of supernumerary preachers, but soon after on the superannuate roll. This relation to his Conference he sustained until his death," Feb. 5,1849. See Prof. Samuel Williams, in Sprague, Annals Amer. Pulpit, 7:267 sq.

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