Lampe, Friedrich Adolf

Lampe, Friedrich Adolf, an eminent German Protestant theologian, was born at Detmold (Lippel- Detmold) February 19, 1683. He entered the University of Franeker, and later that of Utrecht, to study theology. He was successively pastor at Wees, Duisburg, and Bremen. In 1720 he became professor of theology at Ultrecht, and in 1727 removed to the University of Bremen in the same capacity. He died December 8, 1729. Lampe is one of the most prominent German theologians of the Reformed Church, who introduced into the (German Church the Coccejanian doctrines, and measurably also the principles of Labadism. Lampe's principal works are, Commentarius analytico-exegeticus Evangelii secundum Johannent (Amsterd. 1724-25, 3 volumes, 4to); this work Orme commends as "both extensive and valuable." Walch ranks it among the best expositions of the apostle's Gospel: — De Cymbalis veterum Libri tres (Utrecht, 1703, 12mo): — Exercitationum sacrarium Dodecas, quibus Pssalnusts xlv perpetuo conmmentario explanatur (Bremen, 1715, 4to): — Geheimniss des Gnadenbundes (Bremen, 1723, 12mo; translat. into Dutch, Amst. 1727, 8vo); this work is nothing more nor less than his system of theology: — Delineatio Thelogiae activas (Utrecht, 1727, 4to): — Rudimenta Theologiae elenchticae (Bremen, 1729, 8vo). Lampe published also a large number of sermons and devotional treatises in German, which were lnearly all translated into Dutch; he rearranged and edited an edition of the Historia Ecclesiae Reformatae in Hungaria et Transylvania, attributed to Paul of Debrezim (Utrecht, 1728, 4to). Together with Hase, he published the first three volumes of the Bibliotheca Bremensis, for which he wrote a number of theological articles. Other treatises which he published in various papers were collected and published by D. Gerdes, together with his discourses and programmes (Amsterd. 1737, 2 volumes, 4to). See Schumacher, Memoria Lampii, in Miscellanea Duisburgensia, volume 2; Acta Eruditorum, ann. 1722; Klifker, Bibl. Eruditor. Praecocium; Burmann, Trajectum eruditum, Jocher, Algem. Gel. Lexikon; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 29:284; Gobel (Maximilian), Gesch. d. Christlichen Lebens, volume 2 (see Index).

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