Lasius, Lorenz Otto

Lasius, Lorenz Otto a German theologian, born December 31,1675, at Rüden, in Brunswick, was early distinguished for his knowledge of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. He attended the universities of Heidelberg and Halle, and became successively in 1702 subrector in Salzwedel; in 1705, deacon; and in 1709, pastor at Ziebelle, near Muskau; then assessor of the Consistory; in 1717, doctor of theology; and died September 20, 1750. Among his numerous books are Die Prüfung seiner selbst (Lauban, 1710, 8vo, and often): — Versuch die hebraische, griechische, lateinische, franzosische und italienische Spruche ohne Grammatik zu erlernen (Budissin, 1717, 8vo, and often): — Palingenesia mortalium, oder Betrachtungen der Wiedergeburt (Crossen, 1736. 8vo). See Doring, Gelehrte Theol. Deutschlands, volume 2, s.v.

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