Launay, Pierre De

Launay, Pierre De, lord of La Motte and Vaufeelan, a French Protestant theologian, was born at Blois in 1573. After holding a high position in the war department, he resigned in 1613, retaining only the title of secretary and counsellor to the king, and devoted himself exclusively to study. He acquired the mastery over Greek, learned Hebrew from a Jewish teacher, and was for forty years a member of the Consistory of Charenton. He took part in several provincial synods, and was secretary of the two national synods of Charenton in 1623 and of Alenlon in 1637. He died at Paris June 27, 1661.

His works are, Paraphrase et Exposition du Prophete Daniel (Sedan, 1624) — Paraphrase et claire Exposition du Livre de Salomon vulgairement appele l'Ecclesiaste (Saint-Maurice, 1624, 8vo): — Paraphrase et Exposition des Proverbes de Salomon et du premier Chapitre du Cantique des Cantiques (Charenton, 1650, 2 volumes, 8vo; 2d ed. 1655, 12mo): — Paraphrase et Exposition de l'Epistre de Saint Paul aux Romains (Saumur, 1647, 8vo): — Paraphrase sur les Epistres de Saint Paul (Charenton 1650, 2 volumes 4to): — Paraphrase et Exposition de l'Apocalypse (Geneva, 1651, 4to); published under the name of Jonas le Buy de la Prie. In this work he advances opinions on the Millennium which were strongly opposed by Amyraut: — Examen de la Replique de M. Amyraut (Charenton, 1658, 8vo): — Traite de la Sainte Cene du Seigneur, avec l'Explication de quelques Passages diffciles du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament (Saumur, 1659, 12mo): — Remarques sur le Texte de la Bible, ou Explication des Mots, des Phrases, et des Figures diffciles de la sainte Ecriture (Geneva, 1667, 4to), a posthumous and highly esteemed work. See Haag, La France Protestante. — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 29:907.

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