Lee, Robert P

Lee, Robert P.

D.D., a (Dutch) Reformed minister, was born in 1803, at Yorktown, N. Y.; graduated at Dickinson College in 1824, and at the theological seminary at New Brunswvick in 1828. The first year of his ministry, 1828-9, was spent as a missionary in New York City. He was pastor of the Reformed (Dutch) Church of Montgomery, in Orange Co., N. Y., from 1829 to 1858, when he died, in the midst of his usefulness. Dr. Lee was a rare man, a close student, a diligent and accurate theologian, an impressive, but not showy preacher. His mind was remarkably clear, comprehensive, and acute. His judgment was ripe and instinctively right. Decided in his theology, he loved its truths, and expounded and defended them with tenacity and power. In the classis and synods of his Church he was a representative man; among his brethren and neighboring congregations he was a trusted counselor and a peacemaker. Without haste or prejudices, calm and wise, of positive character and noted piety, he was always influential, and yet singularly modest and retiring. His personal presence was commanding, his fine countenance beamed with intelligence and benevolence, and his whole demeanor was such as became the true minister of Christ. His death was a great loss to the whole denomination, of which he was a noble representative. — Corwin, Manual of Personal Recollections, p. 136. (W. J. R. T.)

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