Lemoine, Jean

Lemoine, Jean a French prelate, was born at Cressy, in the 13th century. Having completed his studies, he took the degree of doctor of theology at the University of Paris, and made a journey to Rome, where he was well received, and appointed auditor of the rota. His commentary upon the sixth book of the Decretales, which he wrote at Rome, gained for him the title of cardinal. Boniface VIII appointed him legate to France in 1302, and in this position he strove to re-establish peace between Philip the Fair and the holy see. He acted with so much discretion that he won the esteem of-the king without losing his credit with the pope. He assisted, in 1305, at the conclave held at Perugia for the election of Clement V, and accompanied that pontiff to Avignon, where he died, August 22, 1313. His body was borne to Paris, and interred in the church of the college which he had founded in 1303 in that city, on Rue St. Victor, upon the site of the houses, chapel, and cemetery which had belonged to the Augustinian monks.

His brother, ANDRE LEMOINE, bishop of Noyon, aided him in the founding of the college which bore the name of the cardinal Lemoine. He died in 1315, and the two brothers were laid in the same tomb. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

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