
Letter stands in only two passages of the Bible in its narrow sense of an alphabetical character (γράμμα, in the plural, Lu 23:38; and prob. Ga 6:11, πηλίκοις γράμμασι; A. V. "how large a letter," rather in what a bold hand); elsewhere it is used (for סֵפֶר, a book; γραμμα, either sing. or plur.; but more definitely for the later Heb. אַגֶּרֶת [Chald. אגּרָא, נַשׁתּוָן: [Chald. id. also פַּתגָּם; ἐπιστολή ) in the sense of an epistle (q.v.). SEE ALPHABET; SEE WRITING.

Bible concordance for LETTERS.

Definition of letter

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