Liebermann, Franz Leopold Bruno

Liebermann, Franz Leopold Bruno a Roman Catholic theologian, was born at Molsheim, near Strasburg, in 1759. At the time of the French revolution, to avoid being imprisoned, he fled to Germany, but returned to his parochial work at Ernolsheim in 1795. In 1801 he was called to Strasburg as cathedral-preacher and episcopal secretary, but returned again to Ernolsheim in 1803. In 1804 Liebermann was imprisoned under the pretext of having relations with the Bourbon family. He was released, however, in 1805, and his friend, the bishop of Mayence, appointed him superior of the clerical seminary and canon at the cathedral of Mavence. Liebermann, who died in 1844, is the author of Institutiones Thelogiae Dogmaticae (1819, 5 volumes), a work still used in the. seminaries of France, Belgium, Germnany, and America. It has also been translated intui French in 1856. See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:307. (B.P.)

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