Lorance, James Houston

Lorance, James Houston a Presbyterian minister, was born at Mount Pleasant, Tennesee, June 1, 1820. He was educated in Princeton College, N.J., and in divinity in the Princeton Theological Seminary (class of 1846), and was licensed by New Brunswick Presbytery, commenced active work at Whitesville, Alabama, and subsequently was ordained by Palmyra Presbytery as pastor at Hannibal, Missouri. He removed to Courtland, Alabama, in 1851, and there continued his pastoral labors until his death, July 1, 1862. Mr. Lorance was an able and eminent preacher, pleasing and affable in manners, and firm but not obstinate in his conscientious attachment to the doctrines and polity of the Church of his fathers. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Alm. 1867, page 444. (J.L.S.)

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