Lotto, Lorenzo (2)

Lotto, Lorenzo an eminent Italian painter, was probably born at Bergamo in 1490, and apparently studied at Venice under Giovanni Bellini. His principal works are in the churches at Bergamo, Venice, and Recauati. His picture of the Virgin and Infant is considered one of his best performances. In the Church of Santo Spirito is another exquisite picture of the Virgin and Infant, with St. John Standing at the Foot of the Throne, Embracing a Lamb. Other masterpieces are to be seen at Bergamo in the churches and private collections, and place him almost upon a level with the first luminaries of art. He died in 1560. See Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

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