Lowrie, John Marshall

Lowrie, John Marshall D.D., a Presbyterian divine, was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, July 16, 1817, and was educated for two years in Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa., and afterwards at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. (class of 1840); and then at the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N.J. (class of 1842). In April 1842, he was licensed by Newton Presbytery, and soon after, accepting a call to the churches of Blairstown and Knowton, in Warren County, N.J., he was ordained and installed by Newton Presbytery October 18, 1843. In 1846 he accepted a call to Wellsville, Ohio; subsequently he removed to Lancaster, Ohio, and thence to Fort Wayne, Ind., where he labored faithfully until his death, September 26, 1867. Dr. Lowrie contributed largely to the press, and wrote many precious gems in poetry and prose; he was a man of more than ordinary gifts, a clear, vigorous intellect, and sound judgment; he excelled in systematic arrangement, clear statement, and forcible argument. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Alto. 1868, page 115 sq.

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