Lucius of Adrianople

Lucius Of Adrianople (or Hadrcianople), an Eastern prelate of note, flourished as bishop of Adrianople in the 4th century. Decidedly orthodox in his opinions, the predominant and powerful Arians deposed him from his see, and in 340 or 341 we meet him at Rome before pope Julius I pleading for his restoration. Although he went back with a demand from the Roman pontiff to reinstate the deposed orthodox bishop, the Oriental prelates refused to recognize the papal authority, and he did not recover his see until the emperor Constantius, constrained by the threats of his brother Constans, then emperor of the West, restored Lucius (about 347). Upon the death of Constans (350), Lucius was again deposed by the infuriated Arians, and banished. He died in exile. He is commemorated in the Romish Church February 11. See Athanasius, Apolog. de Fuga sua, c. 3; Arianor. ad Monach. c. 19; Socrates, Hist. Eccl. 2:15,23, 26; Bolland, Acta Sanct. Februarii, 2:519; Smith, Dict. Grk. and Rom. Biog. and Myth. 2:825.

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