Luck, Johann Philipp

Luck, Johann Philipp a German theologian, was born at Erbach August 28, 1728. In 1745 he entered the University of Jena. In 1750 he became preacher at Gütterbach; two years later, town-pastor at Michelstadt; in 1757, assessor of the Consistory; two years afterwards, counselor of the same; and in 1781 was appointed court-preacher. He died November 8, 1791. Well posted in all branches of theology, especially in Church history, familiar with the French, and furnished with the gift of eloquence, he was a most active and efficient worker for the preservation of the moral and religious principles of the Reformation. As a commentator, he was an opponent of the innovations of Baehrdt. The best of his works in this line are his Erlauterungen des Briefes Pauli an die Gemeinen zu Galatien (Jena. 1753, 4to): — Erlauterungen des Briefes Pauli an die Romier (ibid. 1753, 4to). See Döring, Gelehrte Theol. Deutschlands, volume 2, s.v.

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