
Maraviglia (Latin Mirabilia), GIUSEPPE MARIA, an Italian philosopher, a native of Milan, flourished near the middle of the 17th century. He at first belonged to the body of regular clergy, was commissioned in 1651 to teach ethics in Padua, and exchanged the duties of provincial prior for those of bishop at Novara in 1667. He died there in 1684. Among his works we find Leges honestae Vitcae (Ven. 1657, 12mo), a moral treatise dedicated to Christine, queen of Sweden: — Legees Doctrinae a sanctis Patribus (Venice, 1660, 24mo): — Proteus ethicopoliticus seu de multiformi homuinis statu (Venice, 1660, folio): — Pseudomantia veteruim et recentiorumn explosa, seu defide divinationibus adhibenda (Ven. 1662, fol.): — De erroribus virornum, doctorumn (Ven. 1662,12mo; Rome, 1667, 4to): — Legatus ad principes Christianos (Ven. 1665, 12mo): — Anancestramenti dell anima Christianas (Novara, 1675, 8vo). — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Genesis 33:362.

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