Marcus Bishop of Otranto

Marcus Bishop Of Otranto, probably of the 8th century. Allatius says he was oeconomus or steward of the great Church of Constantinople before he became bishop, which seems to be all that is known of him. He wrote Τῷ μεγάλῳ σαββάτῳ ἡ ἀκροστιχίς, [Hymnus Acrostichus in Mllagnume Sabbatun, s. In Magno Sabbato Capita Versuum, published by Aldus Manutius, with a Latin version, in his editions of Prudentius and other early Christian poets (Venice, 1501, 4to). A Latin version of the hymn is given in several editions of Biblitheca Patrum. — Fabricius, Bibl. Graec. 11:177, 677; Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 750, 1:630; Smith, Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Biog. and Mythol. . v.

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