Mason, John

Mason, John (1), an English dissenting divine, was born in Essex in 1705 or 1706; became pastor of a congregation at Dorking, Surrey, in 1730, and at Chestnut, Hertfordshire. in 1746. He died in 1763. Mr. Mason published, besides a number of Sermons, various theological treatises and other works. The best known are Self-Knowledge (1754; new edition and life of the author by John Mason Good, 1811, 12mo; new edition by Tegg, 1847, 32mo; with Melmoth's Importance of a Christian Life, published by Scott, 1855, 24mo); this work was very popular for a long time, and was translated into several languages: — The Lord's Day Evening Entertainments, 52 practical discourses (1751-52, 4 vols. 8vo; 2d ed. 1754, 4 vols. 8vo): — The Student and Pastor (1755, 8vo; new edition by Joshua Toulmin, D.D., 1807,12mo) — Fifteen Discourses (1758, 8vo): — Christian Morals (1761, 2 vols. 8vo). See Allibone, Dict. Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.; Hook, Eccles. Biog. s.v.

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