Mccloskey, John (2), Dd

McCloskey, John (2), D.D.

a Roman Catholic divine, was born at Carlow, Ireland, in 1817, soon after which his parents settled in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1830 he entered Mount St. Mary's College, Emmittsburg, Maryland, where he was ordained, December 13, 1840, and at the solicitation of the college authorities was allowed to remain as professor. He was made vice-president in 1841, and on the retirement of Dr. McCaffrey, in 1871, was chosen president, which position he held for seven years. On the appointment of Dr. Watterson to the bishopric of Columbus, in 1880, he once more resumed the presidency. He was connected with the college for thirty-five years, devoting heart and soul to his work, and never taking a vacation. He was kind to all, over- indulgent, and beloved by all. He died at Emmittsburg, December 24, 1880. See Catholic Annual, 1883, page 61.

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