Mccoy, Isaac

Mccoy, Isaac a Baptist minister, was born in Fayette County, Pa., June 13, 1784; was licensed to preach in 1805, and began work as a missionary. Oct. 13, 1810, he was ordained pastor of the Church at Maria Creek, in Clark County, Ind.. where he remained some eight years, making occasional missionary tours in the surrounding country. In 1818 he was appointed a missionary to the Indians, and in May, 1820, removed to Fort Wayne, where he established a Church; in the fall of the same year he removed to Carey, on the St. Joseph River, and from thence, in 1829, to the Indian country, now Kansas. In 1842 he became the first corresponding secretary and general agent of the American Indian Mission Association, at Louisville, Ky. He died June 21, 1846. He published a History of Baptist Indian Missions, embracing remarks on the former, present condition, and future prospects of the aboriginal tribes (1840, 8vo). See Sprague, Annals, 6:541.

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