
Mehu'nim (Heb. Meunim, מעוּנַאּם, habitations, as in 1Ch 4:41, etc.; Sept. in Ezra, Μοουνείμ v. r. Μοουνίμ, Auth Vers. "Meunim;" in Nehemiah Μεεινώμ v. r. Μεϊνών; Vulg. constantly Auninz), apparently a person whose "children" returned among the Nethinim from Babylon (Ezr 2:50; Ne 7:52); but rather, perhaps, to be regarded as indicating the inhabitants of some town in Palestine where they settled after the exile, and in that case probably identical with the inhabitants of MAON (or possibly the "'Mehunims" [below] of 2Ch 26:7). SEE MAONITE.

Bible concordance for MEHUNIM.

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