
Mer'emoth (Heb. Meremoth', מרֵמוֹת, exaltations), the name of two men at the close of the captivity.

1. (Sept. Μεραμώθ, Μαρεμώθ, Μαρμώθ, ἀπὸ ῾Ραμώθ v. r. Μαριμώθ, etc.; Vulg. Merimuth). A priest, son of Urijah, and grandson (descendant) of Koz; who returned from Babvlon with Zerubbabel (Ne 12:3), BC. 536, and to whom were afterwards consigned the bullion and sacred- vessels forwarded by Ezra (Ezr 8:33). BC. 459. "After the statement in Ezr 2:62, respecting the exclusion of the family of Koz from the priesthood, it is puzzling to find one of this family recognised as a priest; but probably the exclusion did not extend to the whole family, some being able to establish their pedigree" (Kitto). He repaired two sections of the walls of Jerusalem (Ne 3:4,21), BC. 446, and lived to join in the sacred covenant of fidelity to Jehovah (Ne 10:5). BC. cir. 410. In Ne 12:15 he is mentioned by the name of MERAIOTH, as the father of Helkai.

2. (Sept. Μαριμώθ, Vulg. Marimuth.) An Israelite of the "sons" (? inhabitants) of Bani, who divorced his Gentile wife after the exile (Ezr 10:36). BC. 459.

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