
Merib'-Baal (Hebrews Merib'-Ba'al, מרַיב בִּעִל, contender with Baal, 1Ch 8:34; Sept. Μεριβαάλ v.r. Μεφριβαάλ,Vulg. Meribaal; also in the contracted form Meri'-Ba'al מרַי בִעִל, 1Ch 9:40; Sept. Μεριβαάλ v r. .Μεχριβαάλ,Vulg. Meribaal, the son of Jonathan, elsewhere called MEPHIBOSHETH (2Sa 4:4, etc.), apparently from an unwillingness to pronounce the idolatrous name of Baal. SEE ISHBOSHETH.

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