
Meshelemi'ah (He>. Meshelemyah', משֶׁלֶמיָה, friendship of Jehovah, 1Ch 9:21; Sept. Μοσολλάμ v. r. Μοσολλάμί, Vulg. Mosollamia;. also, in the prolonged form, Meshelemya'hu, משֶׁלֶמיָהוּ,' 1Ch 26:1; Μοσολλάμ v. r. Μοσελλεμία; ver. 2, Μασελλαμία v. r. Μοσελλαμία; ver. 9, Μεσολλεμία v. r. Μοσελλεμία ; Vulg. Mesellemia), a Levite of the Korhite branch, who, with his seven sons and ten other relatives, was appointed by David warden of the east gate of the Temple; called SHELEMIAH in 1Ch 26:14; and apparently also SHALLUM in 1Ch 9:19. BC. 1014. "As we learn from ver. 9 that he had eighteen strong men of his' sons and brethren under him, we may conclude that all his-sons except Zechariah the first-born (ver. 14) served with him, and therefore Elioenai likewise. There were six-Levites daily on guard at the east gate, whose turn would therefore come every third day."

Bible concordance for MESHELEMIAH.

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