Meyer, Christian Gottlob

Meyer, Christian Gottlob a Lutheran minister of Germany, was a convert from Judaism. From the preface of Prof. Semler, given to the German translation of Levita's Massoreth ha-Massoreth, we learn that Meyer, who was a native of Posen, was admitted into the Church by the Reverend Dr. Schultze of Halle. After his baptism Meyer studied theology at Halle, and here it was that he translated Levita's work, at the instance of Semler. After having completed his studies Meyer was admitted into the ministry, and in 1783 was called to the pastorate at Dassensee, in the duchy of Grubenhagen. Besides Levita's work, he also published Sententiae Rabbinorum deu Successione ab Intestato et Testamentaria (Halle, 1775). See Furst, Bibl. Jud. 2:370; Levita, Massoreth ha-Massoreth (Germ. transl. 1772). (B.P.)

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