Meyer, Louis Georg Frederic

Meyer, Louis Georg Frederic a Lutheran minister of France, was born at Montbeliard, January 1, 1809. He studied at Strasburg, was in 1829 teacher in Switzerland, in 1831 professor of French at Leipsic, and in 1833 he accompanied two young men to Paris, and took up his abode in the house of John Monod. In 1837 he succeeded Mr. Boissart as pastor of the Lutheran Church at Paris, was in 1857 president of consistory and ecclesiastical inspector, and died October 11, 1867. Meyer advanced the cause of home missions within his church, and originated many institutions. After his death were published Sermzons, Lettres et Friagsments. See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B.P.)

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