
Mi'cha (for the Heb., etc., see MICAIAH), the name of three men.

1. Ason of Mephibosheth (2Sa 9:12); elsewhere (1Ch 8:34-35) called MICAH SEE MICAH (q.v.).

2. The son of Zabdi and father of Mattaniah, a Levite of the family of Asaph (Ne 11:17,22); probably the same that-joined in the sacred covenant after the captivity (Ne 10:11). B.C. cir. 410. In 1Ch 9:15 his name is incorrectly Anglicized "Micah." He must not be confounded with the Michaiah of Ne 12:35.

Bible concordance for MICHA.

3. "A Simeonite, father of Ozias, one of the three governors of the city of Bethulia in the time of Judith (Judith 6:15). His name is remarkable as being connected with one of the few specific allusions to the ten tribes after the captivity."

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