
Mig'ron (Heb. Migron', מַגרוֹן, precipice; Sept. in 1 Samuel Μαγδών, in Isaiah Μαγδών v.r. Μαγγεδώ, apparently reading ד for ר; Vulg. Magron), a town of Benjamin, which, from the historical indications, must have been between Ai and Michmas, on the route of the invading Assyrian army southward (Isa 10:28). From Michmas a narrow valley extends northward out of and at right angles with that which has been identified as the passage of Michmas (q.v.). The town of Migron seems to have been upon and to have commanded the pass through this valley, somewhere between the modern Deir Diwan and Mukhmus (Robinson's Researches, 2:149). Saul was stationed at the further side of Gibeah (? Geba), "under a pomegranate tree which is by Migron" (1Sa 14:2), when Jonathan performed his great exploit at Michmas; and this is to be explained (see Rosenmuller, Alterth. II, 2:170 sq.; Bachiene, II, 2:145) on the supposition that Migron was on the border (perhaps extending considerably north-west of Michmas) of the district to which Gibeah gave its name. Migron, therefore, was in all probability situated on, or close to, the ravine now called Wady Suweinit. It was a commanding position (Josephus, Ant. 6:6, 2. where it is said to be "a high hill"), for Saul was able to see from it the commotion which followed the attack of Jonathan on the Philistine camp. The ravine is not quite half a mile in breadth from brow to brow. According to Schwarz (Palest. page 130), there are extant some ruins about half a mile south of the site of Bethel, which the Arabs still call Burj (fort) Magrun; but no map exhibits here more than a ruined church, and the position is too far north. Keil thinks the Migron of 1 Samuel was a different place from that of Isaiah (Comment. on Samuel ad loc.), but this is an unnecessary supposition. The only locality that seems to combine the scriptural requirements is the eminence just north-west of Mukhmus, which separates Wady Suweinit from its branch running up directly north to Deir Diwan; and some ancient town appears to be indicated by the sepulchres in the latter valley.

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