
Mil'com (Heb. Milkom', מַלכֹּם, their king, 1Ki 11:5; Sept. Μελχώμ and Μελχόμ, Vulg. Moloch; 2 Kings 23:13, Μολόχ, Melchom; also MALCHAM, Heb. Malkam', מִלכָּם, id., Jer 49:1,3, Sept. Μελχόλ,Vulg. Melchom, "their king;" but this last is the proper rendering in Am 1:15; Zep 1:5, in which latter passage the Auth. Vers. has "Malcham"), the principal deity of the Ammonites (Jer 49:1,3), for whose worship Solomon erected altars on the Mount of Olives, hence called the Hill of Offence (2Ki 23:13). Milcom is usually regarded as the same as Molech or Moloch, although the latter was worshipped in a different place and manner, namely, by the offering of children in the flames of the valley of Hinnom (see Keil, Comment. ad loc. Kings; Movers, Phon. page 324 sq.; Ewald, Isr. Gesch. 3:100). SEE MOLOCH.

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