
Misri-Effendi a Turkish poet and religious enthusiast, is noted for his attempt at a revolution, under a religious garb, during the reign of Achmet III (1703- 1739). Misri was born in Egypt about 1660. Of his personal history but little is known previous to 1693. At this time he was flourishing at Broussa as mollah, an office both of an ecclesiastical and civil character, corresponding somewhat to our "justice of the peace." SEE MOLLAH. Dissatisfied with the manner in which the war against Austria was conducted, and believing himself inspired for leadership, he gathered about him three thousand fanatics, and with these crossed the Bosphorus, landed at Adrialiople, and stormed the great mosque, in which the sultan, with his court, was at the time attending the noon-service. Misri was defeated in his attempt, and he was arrested with his ringleaders and carried back to Broussa. No other punishment was inflicted, because Misri had gained popular favor by his religious enthusiasm. The occurrence of a large fire and a violent earthquake two. days after Misri's removal disturbed the popular mind. and it was generally held that Misri had been truthful in his declarations, and he was hereafter regarded as endowed with supernatural visions. The sultan even requested Misri to return; but he refused, declaring his mission finished, as he had accomplished the task of rousing the authorities to more vigorous action towards the Austrians. Hereafter Misri gave himself up to religious studies, and wrote poetry on sacred subjects. The most important of his productions celebrates the incarnation of Christ, wherein it is said, "I am always with Jesus, and united with him." These verses, because Misri's production, received the certificate of orthodoxy, but it was ordered also that they be prefaced by these warning words: "Whosoever writes verses like these of Misri shall be committed to the flames; Misri alone shall be spared, for we cannot condemn one who is possessed with enthusiasm." There is little left of the poetical compositions of Misri, and that little is not printed. The patriarch Callinicos, who was in friendly relations with some eminent Protestant members of the German universities, was Misri's intimate friend. Misri died at Broussa in 1710.

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