Moore, Clement Clarke, Lld

Moore, Clement Clarke, LL.D.

an American scholar, noted for his knowledge of exegetical theology, son of Benjamin Moore, was born in New York July 15, 1779; was educated at Columbia College, class of 1798; then entered on the special study of Hebrew, and after a while secured the appointment as professor of Biblical literature in the Protestant Episcopal Seminary, New York; in 1821 was transferred to the chair of Hebrew and Greek literature, and later to Oriental and Greek literature. While in connection with the "General Seminary" of his Church, as it came finally to be known, he donated to it the large plot of ground upon which its buildings now stand. In 1850 he received the title of: emeritus professor, and lived to take an interest in the institution he had served so many years, and so acceptably, until July 10, 1863, his death occurring at Newport, R.I., whither he had gone to spend the summer recreating. To Dr. Moore belongs the honor of having published the first American contributions to Hebrew philology, viz. a Hebrew Lexicon, with Notes, a Grammar, and a complete Vocabulary of the Psalms (N.Y. 1809, 2 volumes, 8vo). He also published his father's sermons, and contributed valuable works to the department of belles-lettres (for which see Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.). See Drake, Diet. of Amer. Biog. s.v.

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