Moore, Nathaniel F, Lld

Moore, Nathaniel F., LL.D.

an American educator of note, was born at Newtown, Long Island, December 25, 1782, and was the nephew of bishop Benjamin Moore (q.v.). Educated at Columbia College. class of 1802, he turned to the bar as his life-work; but in 1817 was induced to take the adjunct professorship in Greek and Latin, and in 1820 was given the full chair, which he held until 1835, when he went to Europe. On his return, in 1837, he was made librarian. In 1839 he again went to Europe, and this time travelled also in the Orient. In 1842 he was made president of his alma mater; and he served in that capacity until 1849, when he retired to private life. His works are of a secular character, and do not concern us here; but his life-work was eminently Christian and greatly enriched American Christian culture. He died April 27, 1872. Dr. Moore was a man of rare scholarly attainments, and was greatly beloved for his gentle nature and purity of character. See Duyckinck, Cyclopedia of American Literature, 1:380-383.

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