Morgan, Erasmus B

Morgan, Erasmus B.

a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born at Wilmington, Vermont, in 1806. He was converted when about twenty-five years of age, and immediately began to preach. For two years he was employed by the presiding elder, and in 1833 joined the New Hampshire Conference. He was stationed successively at Athens, Putney, Claremont, Peterborough, Westmoreland, and Chesterfield, Keele, Landaff, East Haverhill, Lancaster, Canaan, and South Reading. In 1846 he was superannuated, and continued in that and the supernumerary relation for seven years, after which, in 1853, he was stationed at Chesterfield, Massachusetts, within the bounds of the New England Conference. Afterwards he was stationed at Palmer, Three Rivers, Brookfield, and Dudley. In 1857 he was superannuated, after which time he never resumed an effective relation. During 1871, while supplying the Church at North Blandford, his health failed, and he removed his residence to Williamsburghj Mass., where he died, June 10, 1872. "Morgan was a man of strong, clear mind... He was a decided man — uncompromising in hostility to the powers of darkness, and in his advocacy of every movement calculated to elevate humanity, and reveal more of the glory of Deity." See Minutes of Conferences, 1872, page 47.

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