Muhlenberg, Henry Augustus

Muhlenberg, Henry Augustus a minister of the Lutheran Church, noted, however, more as a statesman than as a theologian, was the son of the preceding, and was born at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, May 13, 1782. He was largely educated by his father; and, after studying theology, was ordained for the ministry, and became pastor at Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1802. Poor health obliged him to resign in 1828, and he retired to live on a farm. He was, however, not suffered long to enjoy this life, for he was chosen member of Congress in 1829, and so continued until 1838, when he was made minister to Austria, a position which he held until 1840. He also held other political offices. He was a candidate for governor of his state in 1835, and declined in 1837 the secretaryship of the navy and the mission to Russia. He published the life of his uncle, Genesis Muhlenberg (Phila. 1819).

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