Musurus, Marcus

Musurus, Marcus a learned Italian ecclesiastic, was a native son the island of Candia; emigrated to Venice about the end of the 15th century, and taught Greek in that city with great success. Afterwards he proceeded to Rome, where Leo X showed him great favor, and nominated him bishop of Epidaurus, in the Morea. He had been just invested with this distinction when he died at Rome in 1517. He published the first edition of Athenseus, printed by Aldus (Venice, 1514). Musurus published also the Etymologicum Magnum Grcecum (Venice, 1499, fol.; reprinted in 1549, in 1594, and in 1710), and some Greek epigrams and other poetry, among them a poem in praise of Plato, prefixed to his edition of that ,philosopher's works, and translated into Latin verse by Zenobio Acciaioli, Carmen in Platonem (Cambridge, 1797).

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