Nicholas the Sophist

Nicholas The Sophist, a Christian philosopher who flourished under the emperor Leo I, and down to the reign of Anastasius, consequently in the latter half of the 5th century, was a pupil of Proclus. Suidas (s. . Nsic.) mentions two works of his: Προγυμνάσματα and Μελέται ῥητορικαί. Part of the Προγυμνάσματα had been published previously as the work of Libanius, but has more recently appeared as the work of Nicholas in Walz's Rheto;. Graec. 1:266-420. Suidas (s.v.) mentions another Sophist, a native of Myra, in Cilicia, and a pupil of Lachares, who taught at Constantinople, and was the author of a Τέχνηῥητορική and Μελέται. See Fabricius. Bibl. Graec. 6:134; Westermann, Geschichte der griech. Beredtsamkeit § 104, n. 10.

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