Niermeyer, Antoine

Niermeyer, Antoine a Dutch theologian, was, born September 2, 1814, at Vlaardingen, Holland. He studied at Levden, and was in 1840 called to the pastorate at Seer-Arendskerk, Zealand. His leisure he devoted to the exegesis of the New Test., and in 1846 and 18500 received the golden medal from the Hague Society for the Defence of the Christian Religion, by presenting papers on the authenticity of Paul's epistle to the Ephesians, and on the writings of John. These exegetical labors induced the theological faculty to honor; their author with the doctorate of theology, and when his teacher, Van Hengel, died (1853), Niermeyer was appointed his successor. He died April 10, 1855. Niermeyer's principal works are, Authenticity de l'Epitre aux Ephesiens (1847-48, 2 volumes): — Etat, Actuel de la Critique du Nouveau Testament, a poem (1849): — Magasin de Critique et d'Exegese (Leyden, 1850-52, 3 volumes): Authenticite des Ecrits Johanniques (1852-

53, 2 volumes). See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses,, s.v. (B.P.)

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