
Night-monster occurs in the margin of the Auth. Ver. at Isa 34:14, as the rendering of the Hebrew lilith' (לַולַיה), derived, from layil (לִיַל), night. The text has screech-owl, but the marginal reading is preferable. The word doubtless refers to the night-specters or ghosts, supposed by superstitious Hebrews to frequent the desert. The Sept. renders ὀνοκένταυροι, which, as Bochart (Hieroz. pt. ii, lib. vi, p. 840) shows, refers, not to animals, but to ghostly appearances. (See also Buxtorf, Lex. Chald. p. 1140; Gesen. Conmment. in Isa 13:22; Isa 34:14.) SEE SPECTRE.

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