

a noted English prelate of the Anglo-Saxon period, was born near the close of the 7th century. After taking holy orders he flourished as presbyter in London, and was there distinguished for his learning and literary taste. The Venerable Bede, who fell in with Nothelm, appreciated him, and made him one of his literary assistants. For a while Nothelm. resided at Rome, and improved his opportunities by copying from the papal archives documents relating to the history of the Anglo-Saxons. The material thus obtained proved of invaluable service to the English Church chronicler of those times. Nothelm is also noted for his discussion with Bede regarding the Book of Kings. In 735 Nothelm was elevated to the see of Canterbury, and in the year following received the pallium from pope Gregory III. The Saxon chronicler and the continuator of Bede place Nothelm's death in 739; other (but more modern) authorities state that it took place in 740 or 741. The day of his decease is differently fixed on the 17 or 16 Kal. Nov., that is, on the 16th or 17th day of October. He was buried at Canterbury. Bale and Pits attribute to him several books, which he is stated to have composed chiefly from the materials he brought from Rome. Their genuineness is so problematical that it is unnecessary to repeat their titles. See Wright, Biographia Britannica Literaria (A. — S. Period), p. 291 sq.

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