
O'bed (Heb. Obed', עוֹבֵד, servant, i.e. of Jehovah; Sept. ᾿Ωβήδ in Ruth, and so in the N.T.; Ι᾿ωβήδ in Chronicles; v. r. ᾿Ωβήδ, etc.), the name of several Hebrews. SEE OBED-EDOI.

1. The son of Boaz and Ruth, and father of Jesse the father of David, according to the apparently incomplete genealogical list (Ru 4:17; 1Ch 2:12). B.C. cir. 1360. The name occurs in the genealogies of Christ given in Mt 1:5 and Lu 3:33. SEE DAVID; SEE GENEALOGY.

2. One of David's mighty men (1Ch 11:47). B.C. cir. 1046.

Bible concordance for OBED.

3. The third named of the sons of Shemaiah who were gate-keepers of the Temple (1Ch 26:7). B.C. cir. 1017.

4. Son of Ephlal and father of Jehu, descendant of Jarha, the Egyptian slave of Sheshan in the family of Jerahmeel (1Ch 2:37-38, from which it appears that he was grandson of Zabad [q.v.], one of David's warriors). B.C. considerably post 1014.

Definition of ob

5. Father of Azariah, which latter was one of the captains of hundreds who joined with. Jehoiada in the revolution by which Athaliah fell. (2Ch 23:1). B.C. ante 876.

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