Pareau, Louis Gerlach

Pareau, Louis Gerlach a noted Dutch theologian, son of John Henry, was born at Deventer, August 10, 1800. He studied at Utrecht, and at the age of twenty took the degree of doctor of theology on presenting Commentatio Critica ad 1 Corinthians 13. On the same day (September 23, 1820) he was also made doctor of philosophy "honoris causa." After ministering for some time at Nederlangbroek and Voorburg, he was made professor of moral theology at Groningen in 1831. He opened his lectures with an address, De Animo

non Minus Theologorum quam Ingenio Academica Institutione Informando. Pareau was twice rector of the university (in 1843 and 1858), and died October 27, 1866. He is the author of, Initia Institutionis Christiance Moralis (Groningen, 1842): — Dogmatica et Apologetica Christiana (1845): — in connection with Hofstede de Groot, Hermeneutica Codicis Sacri (1846): — Encyclopaedia Theologi Christiani (1851), also in connection with Hofstede de Groot. See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B.P.)

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